Work and Travel vize görüşmesinde çıkabilecek sorular nelerdir?

Work and Travel programında vize aşaması katılımcıların Türkiye’deki tamamlaması gereken son aşamadır. Amerikan konsolosluğu Work and Travel vizesi için İstanbul veya Ankara’da vize mülakatları düzenler. Work and Travel vize mülakatlarında çıkabilecek soruları, daha önceki katılımcıların vize mülakatı esnasında karşılaştığı sorular ile derledik. Aşağıda yazmış olduğumuz sorular vize görüşmesi esnasında sizlere sorulması muhtemel sorulardır. Amerikan konsolosluğu vize bölümü vize mülakatı esnasında sorulacak sorular veya değerlendirme kriterlerini hiç bir koşul altında hiçbir kurum ve kuruluş ile paylaşmaz.
Karşılaşabileceğiniz genel sorular;
1. What is your university ?
2. What do you study ? / What is your department ? / What is your major ? ( Herhangi bir şekilde gelebilir )
3. Which class you are studying ?
4. Why do you want to attend work and travel program in USA ?
5. What do you know about USA ?
6. Where do you live ? Can you explain me your city ?
7. What are your hobbies ?
8. What kind of jobs do you want to work in USA ?
9. Do you have any work experiences ? Can you explain your experiences ?
10.Have you ever been in abroad before ? Explain.
11.Where in the USA you are most excited to visit and why ?
12.Describe a typical day for you.
13.What qualities do you have that would make an employer in the USA want to hire you ?
14.What is your career plan ?
15.What do you enjoy in your free time ?
16.If I were to ask your friends to describe you what would they say ?
17.What is your favorite book and movie, why ?
18.Tell us about something you are passionate about in your life.
Daha farklı kalıpta karşınıza gelebilecek sorular;
Örnek 1:
1. Where in the U.S. you are most excited to visit and why ?
2. If an American student were to come visit your city, what would you tell them to see and why ?
3. What is a traditional food in your culture? Why is it important ? How do you make it ?
4. Cleaning is part of most Work and Travel jobs, even if you are not in a housekeeping position. Do you help out with cleaning around your home? How would you feel about cleaning at work ?
5. You have 2 minutes to add any further comments you may have.
Örnek 2:
1. What skill do you think that you need to be successful on the work and travel ?
2. Why did you choose your college of study ?
3. Have you ever visited the U.S ? If not what are the most excited to see or do ?
4. Do you like cooking? What is your favorite food?
5. You have 2 minutes to add any further comments you may have.
Örnek 3:
1. Why do you want to participate in the work and travel usa program ?
2. Describe your family ?
3. What did you do last weekend ?
4. Have you ever visited in the United states ? if so, describe your trip. If not, what are you most excited to see or do ?
5. Have you ever helped a friend or a customer solve a problem ? Tell us about the problem and what you did to help solve it ?
Örnek 4:
1. What parts of american culture are you most looking forward to experiencing ?
2. If I were ask your friends to decribe you,what would they say ?
3. What do you plan to do when you graduate from university ?
4. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing that you would do ?
5. If an American student were to come visit your city what would you tell them to see and why ?
Örnek 5:
1. Where in the U.S. are you most excited to visit and why ?
2. What do you plan to do when you graduate from university ?
3. Football and baseball are popular sports in the United States. Which sport or activities do you like to play or watch ?
4. If you could travel to only one place in the world, where would it be and why ?
5. It is important to be kind and respectful when you are at work. what would you do if a firend or coworker was not being respectful to you ?
Örnek 6:
1. What skills do you hope to gain by participating in the WAT program ?
2. Tell us about something you are passionate about in your life and enjoy doing ?
3. What makes you angry ? what makes you happy ?
4. Describe your family ?
5. It is important to be kind and respectful when you are at work.
6. What would you do if a friend or a coworker was not being respectful to you ?
Örnek 7:
1. What is your favorite book and movie and why?
2. If I were to ask your friends to describe you what would they say?
3. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
4. What is most important to you about your experience in the USA?
5. Give us an example of a goal you have set and how you achieved it.
6. What is the biggest challenge you have every faced ?
7. What is your favorite Holiday and how do you celebrate ?
Örnek 8:
1. Why should we hire you ?
2. Tell me about a time when you helped resolve a dispute between others.
3. What attracted you to this position ?
4. How do you think you can contribute to our organization ?
5. What is a challenge that you recently encountered, and how did you deal with it ?
6. How do you ensure effective communication ?
7. What specific skills do you feel you bring to this position without having (much) fulltime work experience?